Quiz: Which Doctor Are You?

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  1. bloodNoir.
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    Seguite questo link per fare il test e scoprire a quale dottore assomigliate di più! Which Doctor Are You?!

    A me è uscito... One!
    Congratulations! You're the First Doctor

    Some people think you are crabby and difficult to get close to. They may have a point, but what they see as rudeness is just you being careful with the friends you pick.
    You have incredibly high standards, but once someone has proven themselves to be worthy of your attention you'll pull an entire planet apart for them. And rescue them in the event of a Dalek attack.
    Also, woe betide anyone that thinks you are frail or weak. There's a spark in your eyes that could become a raging fire.

    Devo dire che la descrizione mi calza a pennello! E infatti One mi piace un sacco <3
  2.     +1   -1


    Time Travelled

    i'm not here ✗
    Your result: Congratulations! You're the Tenth Doctor
    The good news is, people seem to really like you. You're kind and generous and warm company, and you're never short of the right thing to say in a difficult moment.

    However, you've been through some fairly tough times, and it can sometimes feel like all of this affection is just raining down and the bouncing back off your defences.

    You put on a brave face, but sometimes that feeling of isolation can be hard to bear.

    It's just as well you have some amazing friends to help you deal with it.

    sono tenth!**
1 replies since 22/11/2013, 02:40   13 views